
I am

A Full Stack Developer

An Ethical-Hacking Hobbyist

A Sole Proprietor


"Be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play."

- Alan Watts


"It's better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing, than a long life spent in a miserable way."

- Alan Watts
Sep 2019 to April 2021

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)

Software Development Diploma

I am learning how to build websites, applications and databases. We collaborate with our peers, and apply our skills to tackle realistic-problems. So far, our tech stack has been Java, SQL Plus, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, AdobeXd & Linux/Windows.

Jun 2017 to Sep 2017

Statcom Ltd.

Junior Seismic Programmer

Statcom gave me the chance to apply my programming knowledge in the real-world. Using the Qt Creator, I built a rudimentary version of a desktop application. The application read data from a seismic trace, converted IBM Single Precision Floating Point data to a C++ data type, and plotted the data on a GUI.

Sep 2015 to April 2018

The University of British Columbia (UBC)

Engineering/General Studies

I will be forever grateful for the experiences I had at UBC; UBC introduced me to coding, psychology and philosophy. It was also home to many friendly, creative and passionate individuals. At UBC, I discovered what it was like to learn out of interest, not out of necessity.


"That which gives us the power to work magic sets the limit of that power. A mage can control only what... he can name exactly and wholly."

- Ursula K. Le Guin in A Wizard of EarthSea
